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Micki Diederich, AKA Mrs. VintNerd, has decades of experience with event planning and execution which is why she jumped on board when The VintNerd suggested they bring a VCF to Southern California. 


Micki has her own history with now-vintage equipment. In grade school she regularly died of dysentery playing Oregon Trail with classmates on the school's TRS-80 Model III. The family purchased a Commodore 64 that Micki and her brother quickly adopted and learned to program on with Gortek and the Microchips loaded from the tape drive. They later upgraded to the luggable SX-64 with its [tiny] color screen and built-in floppy disk drive. On trips to Circuit City or Radio Shack, her parents would often find Micki programming the display computers to run her name diagonally across the screen.


Fast forward to today, Micki formed Mic Gets Creative LLC and set about bringing VCF SoCal to life with support from The VintNerd and friends, and of course the Vintage Computer Federation.


Looking forward to the show!



VCF SoCal Showrunner

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